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Showing posts from June, 2017

#nulisrandom2017 done!

Malang, 30 Juni 2017 #nulisrandom2017 challenge has been fulfilled! Yeah! 30 hari sudah berlalu dan alhamdulillah 30 posts telah terpajang di blog walau ada yang dirapel 2 posts dalam sehari. Banyak yang sudah terjadi dan menjadi sumber dari semua tulisan yang ada di Mind BoX. Yup! Mostly, it’s all about my life and what happens around me. Aku hanya berharap semoga apa yang aku tulis sedikit banyak berguna bagi pembaca sekalian. Dan semoga tidak menyakiti hati dan perasaan. Terima kasih sudah mau mampir dan membaca Mind BoX. Walaupun challenge sudah selesai, tolong berkenan datang kesini lagi ya karena pastinya aku masih bakal nulis di sini walaupun mungkin enggak setiap hari. Akhir kata, see you again! Sendiki - Malang


Malang, 30 Juni 2017 Anger has taken over your reason. Everything that you see has always been wrong in your eyes. Sometimes I wonder. What’s on your mind? It seems that what you think is always right and everyone else is wrong. Sometimes you play victim. Claim everyone is against you. Hopeless. That’s what I feel. Try to make you understand but you never will. Have you ever tried to put yourself in our shoes? Wait. You never. And you don’t want to. I’m tired. Everyone is. Selecta - Batu


Malang, 29 Juni 2017 Some people try to keep their bond by living together under the same roof, inside the same dwelling. They care about each other. Try to meet the expectations. How lucky they are...capable of doing things not everyone can. Some people love each other by living apart. Keeping the distance on purpose. Just to avoid conflicts and anger. They know it. If they live together, they will only hurt each other. Unfulfilled expectations. Ego. Pride. Can you imagine if those emotions decorate most of your time and life? It’s not love that we know anymore. Gili Labak - Madura


Malang, 29 Juni 2017 There is a saying that says... People whom you love so much, can be the ones who hurt you so bad. Do you agree with that? I wonder... Because I do. And you’re one of them. Masjid Jami' Kota Malang


Malang, 27 Juni 2017 No one is there to lift you up. You feel like you are alone when you are surrounded by them. Haha so cliche. But, it never fails to knock you down. Isn’t it right? You feel the tense. Emotion. Regret. Complain. You are the object of their anger. They blame you for something you’ve never done. How does it feel? Want to escape to Timbuktu already? You cry in silence. Your swollen eyes answer everything. You try to act normal when everything is actually not. Hiding pain has been your routine. Feeling broken? Or is it already too late? It’s all your fault. If you want to end up as pieces of broken vase, feel free to rely on people more than what you should do to The Mightiest entity. Give all of you to Your Creator. And you will see. Pain will not be your issues anymore. Gilimanuk

see you again?

Malang, 27 Juni 2017 It’s never easy to say See You Again . Because it feels like an excuse of a Good Bye for me, at least for now. Distance is not a problem anymore. It’s the time that matters. And the memories which are left behind. They are still the same places. Same people. But time has changed everything. And it does make the difference. I know it must have been done. Give me time. Just for a while. Letting go of things easily is just not so me. Mangrove Perancak Take me there again... PS : I skipped another day. It can’t be helped. I was on journey (again...). And it was extremely a hard day for me. Like for real. 

balada hari raye

Negara, 25 Juni 2017 Aku bingung banget mau nulis apa buat hari ini. Ada banyak hal yang sliweran di kepala tetapi aku pikir gak pantes aja buat dipajang di sini. Apalagi tentang hari raya ini. Wah, berkecamuk rasanya. Seneng. Capek. Dan baper jugaa.... Ah sudahlah! Kalau kalian yang baca ini berada di usia 20-an ke atas dan belum punya pasangan hidup pasti tahulah ini soal apa. Dan mulailah para sodara yang datang ke rumah bertanya... Eh, kapan giliran Izza? (macam arisan yak!?) Ih kayaknya calonnya bakalan orang (sensor) nih! (aku aja enggak tahu dia itu siapa???) Ayo siapa yang duluan Izza apa Bang (sensor)? (balapan lari apa karung nih?!) Sudah nikah? (jodoh aja dak tahu siapa?!) Apalagi ditambah kalian punya adik cowok 3 tahun lebih muda yang udah punya pacar eh terus si pacar bersama orang tuanya main ke rumah dengan niatan silaturrahmi. Ditambah tuh si kakak-kakak cewek cowok manas-manasin terus. Dan parahnya, ponakanmu yang masih SD nyeletuk kayak gini A...


Negara, 24 Juni 2017 Masa dimana gerbang surga dibuka selebar-lebarnya dan pintu neraka ditutup serapat-rapatnya pergi meninggalkan umat muslim sedunia malam ini juga. Langit kelam menumpahkan airnya seakan tak rela ditinggalkan. Rasanya baru kemarin Ramadhan datang. Eh sudah pergi aja. Kira-kira aku sudah melakukan yang terbaik belum ya selama Ramadhan? Kok sudah pergi aja sih? Kalau ternyata ibadahku kurang gimana? Kalau ternyata aku malah banyak melakukan dosa selama Ramadhan gimana? Ayo harus ikhlas lho. Karena meriahnya Syawal sudah menunggu. Masa dimana perjuangan melawan hawa nafsu selama 30 hari mencapai garis akhir. Tuh denger! Gema takbir sudah berkumandang di seluruh penjuru negeri. Kalau belum puas sama apa yang kita lakukan selama Ramadhan kemarin, yuk kita bikin harapan. Semoga kita dipertemukan kembali dengan Ramadhan tahun depan. Semoga kita tetep bisa istiqomah menjalankan perintah Allah SWT dengan sebaik-baiknya di bulan-bulan selain Ramadhan. Semoga kita sem...


Negara, 23 Juni 2017 It feels so strange. At one point you finally realize that you can never see things quite the same like you used to do anymore. You are trapped in this spider web called life. Each wire brings you to different ones. Try to stand there on one wire! Look around! Then move to the next one! See your surroundings! Do it all over again. Will you still see the same things in the same ways? People start to see you differently. They think you’re “weird”? Crazy? It’s just because you see more than they do. You can understand more than they can. You are more than you were. Be careful! You just step on a dangerous zone in which difference is nothing but a problem. Prepare yourself for being rejected. Not appreciated. Ignored. Only your strong heart can hold you on. Only God is exactly there by your side. People? Well, don’t be surprised if at the end they will only disappoint you so bad. Break the limit and be brave! Difference is there to make you special. Re...


Negara, 22 Juni 2017 You said a lot about me. I said a lot about you. So far, we are apart. Yet, we are intertwined. Do you know a spider web? It feels like you and I are connected to the wire of life. And it is exactly the same wire that can be the death of us. We try to escape from it by convincing ourselves and others, we are the right one. Well, how if we take a look from a very distinctive perspective. What if somehow what you say about me is your own reflection? You are not talking about me but you are talking about yourself. Your arrogance, weakness, and flaws. Can you imagine if what you see on me is actually what you see on yourself? Someone who tries to conquer his own universe and ego. Take a deep breath, see, and ask yourself. Am I your mirror? Are you my reflection? Seorang mukmin adalah cermin bagi mukmin lainnya. P.S. I’m currently reading one of Jalaluddin Rumi’s masterpieces, Fihi Ma Fihi when I write this. And I am inspired by one of his sayin...


Negara, 22 Juni 2017 I’m on a journey. You can say that it might be the longest one that I’ve ever taken. Is it by the distance? Well, nope. It could be far from my eyes. Yet, close to my heart. I’m not looking for rich. I’m just trying to find my beginning and end. Well, do you who or what it is? They say, He is our reflection. Perancak P.S. I feel so bad skipping my #day21 #nulisrandom2017. Well, it can’t be helped since I was literally on a journey yesterday. Can you guess where I went? Well, look at the right corner!


Malang, 20 Juni 2017 Hello everyone! I was quite busy today and I didn't spare my time to write something interesting. Even when I write this, I'm not at home and I borrow someone's laptop to access my blog (what an unimportant info Za!). Well, but I have something interesting to share here. It's about someone who makes me mad every time but falls in love with piano so much eventhough I can't play it at all (to tell you the truth, I envy him so much!). This is him! If only he wasn't my lil bro, I would fall for him. Haha  Segara Rupek He used to be so bad at playing it. Yet now, he has improved so much. Keep up the good work bro!

terlalu takut

Malang, 19 Juni 2017 Aneka rupa dan warna bunga terbentang luas di hadapan. Semerbak wangi terbawa angin melayangkanmu bagai ke surga. Tiap-tiap bunga kamu hirup wanginya. Tetapi tak satu tangkai bunga pun berani kamu petik. Kamu tahu kenapa? Karena kamu terlalu takut tertusuk duri. Berlembar-lembar kertas kosong berserakan di sekitar. Dengan sebuah pena kamu menggoreskan kata-kata. Namun, tak satu pun kertas tertulismu kamu letakkan di atas dinding keramaian. Kamu tahu kenapa? Karena kamu terlalu takut dicerca. Banyak kata berputar-putar dalam benak. Berarak-arak merangkai berbagai kerangka pemikiran. Namun, tak satu pun tersuarakan melalui ucapan. Kamu tahu kenapa? Karena kamu terlalu takut kalah dengan pemikiran orang. Jawaban telah kamu dapatkan. Kamu merasa benar dan siap. Namun, tidak ada yang berubah. Kamu tahu kenapa? Karena kamu terlalu takut mengambil langkah pertama. Keinginan tertambat di jiwa. Satu hal yang benar-benar kamu inginkan ada di depan mata. ...

takut pada dirimu sendiri

Malang, 18 Juni 2017 Hai teman-teman! Jujur aku enggak tahu harus bagaimana menyapa kalian semua. Maaf banget. Biasanya kan aku nulis yah like poems, jadi enggak perlu ribet nyapa. Tapi spesial buat hari Minggu ini di hari ke-18 #nulisrandom2017, aku ingin muncul sebagai sudut pandang orang pertama. Entah kalian baca atau enggak tulisan-tulisanku sebelumnya. Kalau udah, thank you banget udah bersedia meluangkan waktu untuk baca puisi-puisi “aneh” ku. Kalau belum, dibaca please...karena apa yang aku ingin ungkapkan habis ini masih berkaitan dengan hampir semua poems yang aku tulis demi menyelesaikan challenge #nulisrandom2017. Well, it’s a bit like what I posted in Sesal and Jawaban Atas Penyesalan. Jadi, siapkan mental kalian ya! Mari kita mulai. Gak bisa dipungkiri memang kalau suasana hati dan pikiran banyak mempengaruhi tulisan yang kita hasilkan. Jujur, aku setuju banget. Apalagi kalau kita lagi sedih dan emosi lagi bergejolak. Bisa dibayangin kan nanti puisi atau cerp...


Malang, 17 Juni 2017 What does silence mean... for you who... have been surrounded by laughters, have been loved by countless souls, have been so happy with all that fun? Nothing? Insignificant? How does it feel if you’re there alone in silence... without time to wait, things to enjoy, no one to talk to, nothing to laugh at, people to rely on, friends to count on? Uneasy? Restless? The world that you hate so much. Realm that you avoid the most. Darkness that drives you mad. Silence that tears you apart. are universe for some of us... who are trapped in false reality, stuck in wrong moments, and hurt by eyes and words. What does silence give? Silence gives space and time to... laugh at ourselves, love our flaws, heal our broken soul, mend our scattered heart, cry on our weakness, scream our pain, fall apart, and die. So, what does silence mean? Simply, life and death of me. Aimer image taken from th...


Malang, 16 Juni 2017 Staring at the water... That’s what I’ve been doing. I’m not looking for a sparkling diamond, shining gold, or even a majestic pearl. Can you guess what it is? I’m trying to find... my own reflection. No matter how long it is, I still can’t find it. I only see a huge dark shadow, covering the surface of my clear water. It keeps following me, wherever I go, whenever I see. and question myself. Where is my reflection? I fall into the water miserably. Trying helplessly to get a glance of it, until my eyes get so blur and my voice is lost. Stil, l I have no slightest idea where it is. That dark shadow still keeps following me. Never let me go. Leave me restless. Maybe God is laughing at me right now. I’m so blind. Never realize that... my reflection never leaves me. It is right over there, looking at me... as I looking at it. That big dark shadow... is my reflection. Image is taken from...

i've been...

Malang, 15 Juni 2017 I’ve been unfair to myself, and to you, more importantly. Chance is there with us, giving free space to sit side by side, and to spend time as we like. Yet, we are stuck, at the same moment, and routine. Too afraid to speak up. Too weak to make a change. No way out. Nowhere to be found. I’ve been selfish to myself, and of course to you too. I’m afraid of ... overhope, and expectations. I’m scared of ... being left behind, and getting hurt so bad. Maybe that’s why... I keep this distance of ours. So that, I won’t hurt myself, and you. I only want 1 thing from you. Forgive me... So I can forgive myself. I also wish one thing for us. I wish one chance will come, and change everything that falls apart. You and I are there one more time, without this endless wandering around.   You and I were there. Yet, we were nowhere. Image taken from this site


Malang, 14 June 2017 People are good fakers. Put masks on their faces, just to keep a smile. What kind of smile? A smile that hides pain? Or a smile that’s up to something? A faker is a fraud. pretends to be someone, that he is not, just to be acknowledged, appreciated, and known, from the colors, he doesn’t even own. Human loves beautiful lies, more than horrible truth. Human likes to be deceived, rather than learning the facts. Human is us, who deny being fakers, yet keep pretending, to be a saint. image taken from Google


Malang, 13 Juni 2017 Welcome to my 13th #nulisrandom2017 post! Well, awalnya tadi sudah terpikirkan mau nulis tentang satu topik yang berkaitan dengan apa yang biasanya aku tulis di sini. Tetapi, segalanya berubah gara-gara aku baru aja selesai nonton Attack on Titan season 2 episode 11. Hah? Apa itu? Hmm...kalau enggak tahu berarti bisa ku tebak kalau kalian bukan pecinta anime. Bener kan? Haha sok tahu banget aku. Ya wajar sih aku mikirnya kayak gitu. Karena ini anime terkenal banget lho dengan jalan ceritanya yang penuh perjuangan dan darah melawan para titan pemakan manusia. Attack on Titan image taken from Google Aku enggak akan jelasin tetek bengek perihal anime favoritku ini karena kalian bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan berbagai info, video, dan komiknya di penjuru internet. Jadi kalau penasaran bisa di browsing aja di youtube. Tapi jangan lupa siapkan mental ya. Karena sekali kalian memutuskan untuk menonton ini anime atau baca komiknya berarti kalian sudah memutuska...

jawaban atas penyesalan

Malang, 12 Juni 2017 Miss me already? J Kemarin dengan sengaja aku tidak menulis tulisan ke-11 #nulisrandom2017. Alasannya sih ya cuma lagi pengen istirahat aja. Istirahat apa males? Haha mungkin keduanya. Selain itu, kemarin aku caught up banget sama satu buku yang lagi aku baca. Buku tersebut berjudul Syaikh Siti Jenar Suluk Sang Pembaharu . Sekarang aku lagi baca buku ke-4 dari 7 buku karangan Bapak Dosen Filsafatku dulu, Pak Agus Sunyoto. Wew dari judulnya aja udah kayak gimana gitu ya. Well, this is truly a mind blowing historical novel. Aku pikir semua orang yang mengaku sebagai Muslim lebih baik baca buku ini supaya pola pikir dan hati nurani menjadi lebih terbuka. Dan enggak ada lagi yang namanya ego merasa diri paling benar. Wew, what an opening. Di tulisan hari ke-12 ini, aku enggak akan bahas buku karya Pak Agus Sunyoto tersebut. Kali ini, apa yang aku bahas masih berkaitan dengan tulisanku di hari ke-10 yang berjudul Sesal . Hayoo...siapa yang belum baca? ...