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Showing posts from December, 2014


Malang, 21 Desember 2014 Some say, life is like a rollercoaster. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. It goes following its track. Wherever the track ends, the rollercoaster will be there too. Is my life like a rollercoaster? There are times when I feel like flying to the sky. There are times when I feel falling hard to the ground. I’m following the track, without knowing where the stop is. When I know where it ends, I realize this is not what I desire. Do I have to be in this rollercoaster? How if I don’t want to be in this rollercoaster? Can I change? It’s not an option, is it? So, forget about a rollercoaster and its single track! Let’s just create the million tracks for our rollercoaster. We can build our dreamy world, and let the rollercoaster lead us there. We can choose which track that we want to pass. When we have to pass the ghastly way, let’s just pass it with bravery and laughter, and change it into wonderful...


Malang, 16 Desember 2014 What do you really want to do? Is it what you do now? What if that thing is not what you want? What will you do then? Do you dare to leave it and chase what you want to do? Again, what will you choose? Choices are confusing. You have to choose the path between reality and dream. When you want to chase your dream, some say Wake Up! This is reality! It’s not a dreamland! You can’t survive if you are just chasing impossible dream in reality!  Where do you live? Imaginary world? When some says those things, it feels like our own hopes are only with those currency, money, success, happy family, happy marriage, kid, and all about what they call as real world. Is it okay? How if we don’t really enjoy those what we call as our life? In my eyes, everything seems dull, colourless, not even fun, when we can’t enjoy our own life, our own choice. It’s like we are chasing nothing. We forcefully trap ourselves in a cage named real life in their own versio...


Malang, 10 Desember 2014 Aku sampai tidak memiliki satu kata pun yang dapat mengungkapkan perasaanku tentang awal bulan Desember ini. Rasanya semua seperti dijungkirbalikkan. Segala emosi dicampuradukkan menjadi satu dengan berbagai kejadian di luar kuasaku. Aku mendayu biru dengan pikiran penuh kabut gara-gara hasil yang tidak memuaskan. Aku tidak peduli pada semua hanya karena ego yang mulai berkuasa. Aku bahkan sampai bertanya-tanya pada Tuhan, What’s Your plan for me? Kamu tahu, semua hal-hal negatif yang menguasaiku hancur tak tersisa bagai tertiup angin entah kemana. Dan semua itu cuma gara-gara satu hadiah. Satu hadiah dari-Nya yang mungkin bagi orang lain sangat sederhana, tetapi bagiku hadiah itu sangatlah spesial. Apakah hadiah untukku itu? Jeng...jeng... salah satu karyaku yang berjudul A Farewell Letter for My Bestfriend lolos seleksi Surat Untuk Penghuni Surga yang diadakan Nulis Buku. Yang lebih membuatku senang yaitu karyaku akan diterbitkan bersama karya-karya...


Malang, 07 Desember 2014 Hello, God! It’s me again. May I have a word? Just You and me? I have a lot of things within my mind that I want to tell You. Would You like to listen to me God? Long time ago, I’ve asked You this question “ What is Your plan for me?” I still remember why I asked that question to you. I wondered about it when I was lost. When I didn’t even know the meaning behind those things that I called as “misfortunes”. I never found the answer how hard I’ve tried. There were just more questions kept popping from my head. What did I do wrong? In which part I messed up? I even asked t he same question to my friend. What is God’s plan for us? You know God, he just kept silent then said “ How hard we try to find the answer, we’ll never find it. It’s better not to think about that and let’s see what’ll happen next.” Since that day, I never asked that question to anyone around me. I don’t know why. Maybe, I’m just afraid. They told me to keep my positive th...


Malang, 02 Desember 2014 Bahkan aku sendiri tak mengerti, apa yang tengah bergejolak di balik awan gelap. Mendung menggantung menaungi bumi kelabu. Seharusnya ini kan menjadi musim hujan yang indah. Dimana pelangi kan terlukis sampai ke ujung bumi dan langit. Ku pikir begitu. Tapi ternyata, kini hanya mendung dan hawa dingin memeluk erat. Adakah yang tahu bagaimana caranya agar tidak sesuram itu Musim Hujan di Bulan Desember ini? Padahal aku sudah menunggu satu momen bahagia di bulan ini. Tapi semua terasa pucat hanya karena mendung yang tak hanya dibawa oleh awan di langit. Aku sudah berusaha bicara pada Angin tapi ia tak juga menjawab panggilanku. Apakah hanya karena aku tak menjawab panggilannya, ia menjadi marah dan mengabaikan panggilan hidup dan mati dariku ini? Bahkan sampai sekarang aku tak tahu jawabannya. Ia benar-benar selalu sukses membuatku khawatir setengah mati. Dan sampai saat ini bahkan aku masih menunggu jawaban dari Sang Angin. Apakah ia sedang dilanda bad...

My Pray

Malang, 02 Desember 2014 Do you still remember my pray God? I’ve ever prayed to You to give me Your blessing rain to water my Amarilis after this longest drought Thank you my Lord You have answered my pray You gave me your blissful rain which erased my worries and gave me this peaceful feeling God, I have thousand prays for you One of them is a very important pray for everyone whom I love Would You like to hear it? I will tell You in every pray every step and every breath of mine And I’m sure deep in my heart, You will answer my pray. Thank You my Allah... Thank You for everything... Author             : Zaturania P.S                      : Say NO to Plagiarism!