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we are in this together #covid19

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Who knows that 2020 will strike us this hard with covid-19 wrecking the globe. I think no one ever wishes any of this happening. Are you one of those people who wish 2020 will be your year when everything gets better, you are achieving your dreams, or your plans finally work out? If yes, count me in fellas. Now that the pandemic is going on a rampage, we don’t have any choice but to stay home. It’s still the beginning of April but uncertainty already blurs the rest of the year. Yeah, it’s definitely depressing. We all feel it.

The first time I knew about corona virus and covid-19 from the news on the internet at end of 2019, I didn’t take it seriously. I was just like “Another virus from China? That’s no surprise. It happened before with SARS and MERS and we survived! As long as I keep myself healthy I’m gonna be alright.” I was so naive and thought it wasn’t a serious problem. I wasn’t the only one who think that way though. A lot of Indonesians even people on earth have the same thought. The government also didn’t do anything serious about the issue at that time. So everything was just like any other normal day. I still went to work like usual. I hung out with my friends. I just washed my hands when I felt like it.

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Out of the blue in the middle of March 2020, the government announced to shut down the schools and urged everyone to stay at home. That’s when I realized everything has changed. It didn’t only happen in Indonesia but also around the globe. Some countries even lockdown their areas to stop the spread of corona virus. I was heartbroken when I watched some documentary films about covid-19 on youtube. From those films I finally realized this plague is worse than war. It’s killing people in silence. It interrupts our economic system. It shifts students’ learning style. It shakes politics. It challenges humanity. It terribly affects our mental health.

Everyone is anxious. Everyone is terrified. Everyone becomes suspicious. No wonder. No one is ready for this. I saw a lot of sad and ironic news on media that tell how some people become unreasonable during this pandemic. Some people sell face masks and hand sanitizers with crazy unbelievable price. Safety suit which should be worn by health workers is worn by stupid people at the grocery store. A lot of groups of people don’t let the health workers bury the dead bodies of covid-19 victims near their neighborhood. Even some of them throw stones to the health workers, forcing them to leave. I can understand that they are worried. Yet, where is humanity? Does it have to be like this?

Humanity doesn’t completely cease during this harsh time. Surprisingly, it flows endlessly from places that I try to avoid the most. Social media. Social media makes physical distancing less upsetting. I can say it’s my savior now. It helps me to connect with my family, friends, and students. My friends make plenty of fun and interesting instagram stories that save me from boredom. Viewing them now is so much fun. They spread love, positivity, and empathy through their posts and stories. I feel less desolated because they often tag me on their posts. Thank you so much everyone. I’m so happy for that. I can’t imagine if I lived in 17th or 18th century and had to stay home due to a plague. What would I do to save myself from boredom and loneliness? Now I realize that I have to be very grateful that I live in 21st century. Internet connection provides us more options than people back then had.

Some of fun IG stories I made during self quarantine :) 

In other countries they use Social Distancing as a term to tell Physical Distancing. While in Indonesia, we use Physical Distancing probably because Social Distancing sounds too depressing. Source : 

For me personally, this uncertain time makes me learn that everything can change drastically in a blink of an eye. We can’t control everything. Our plans, dreams, and agendas are just plans, dreams, and agendas. We can’t guarantee whether we can make them come true or not. This is the reality we have now. Isn’t that crazy? Human being is a creature that is very confident with their future. Look now! We don’t even know how long this uncertainty will last. This makes me learn that future is not ours to decide. Life is not ours to control. We can plan everything like we always do but we have to get that adaptability for every possible change that might come. Also this is just my own opinion. Covid-19 might try to teach us to reflect ourselves, to slow down our life, and to lower down our ego. I believe we human has done too much rushing and running this world. It might need to rest a bit since we have put too much pressure on it.

Speaking of our world and mother earth, let’s put aside the fact that corona virus becomes a mass killer. If we look from a different perspective this virus is our planet savior. A year ago thousands of children and youngsters around the world went on climate strikes. They demand the politicians making an effort to stop the global warming and climate change. Now if you see the news, our mother earth is healing thanks to corona virus. When human being is scared of going out, animals are roaming and taking back their home. Air pollution is decreased as the transportation system and a lot of factories are shut down. Well, it makes me think that corona virus isn’t entirely bad after all. I don’t know about the plastic pollution or non-recyclable trash. I think it will still increase as long as human being still depends on it. I won’t be surprised if there will be a lot of face masks floating on the water. Come on human! You can do better than being trashy!

So what now? I’m afraid covid-19 is still going to hunt us for the next months to come since the vaccine hasn’t been found and human is still being too selfish and stubborn. (I’m talking about you Indonesians!) The government moves slowly. Most of us are still ignoring the warning. We don’t do the prevention acts effectively. And now you are expecting this to end soon? That’s just a wishful thinking. The after effects are also waiting to attack us once the disease can be handled. It’s up to you to believe it or not. Nonetheless, you have no choice but to be ready with the worst scenario.

Now that you read what I’m writing, it’s time for us to act! Covid-19 will still spread and kill people but we can slow it down so we can buy some time to let the scientists find the cure. Buy the health workers some time to help the patients. Don’t add their burden by getting sick or spreading the virus. If most health workers get infected and die due to covid-19, can you imagine what’s gonna happen to the rest of human race? So what’s the solution? It’s as simple as wash your hands frequently, stay home, stay safe, do physical distancing, and don’t get infected. I know it’s easier said than done. Everyone feels the same. But we have no better choice than this. Hang in there everyone.

source : Pinterest

I believe this too shall pass. I believe we can survive this plague together. Let’s do our best to prevent it from getting worse. Let’s pray and hope that everything gets better. Oh how I miss going out to the beaches, parks, markets, cafes, and bookstores. I know you do. Let’s wait for a little while for I’m sure it will be worth it. Let’s give our mother earth her holiday and vacation. I think we human has tired her out.


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