Malang, 05 Okt. 18
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One thing I love from doing
my job as a teacher is I learn a lot about people especially my students. As
someone who meets them everyday, it feels like I notice what they think and
keep in mind. Today was my second day of teaching for the final term of 2018. I
just had 4 students and all of them are girls! For some teachers, having a few
students could be troublesome. Yet for me, this condition is absolutely okay. I
got to talk with them and the most fun part is I found out that they are just
like me.
Some of my students are in
their early 20s. The topic for today’s lesson is about success and failure. For
me this topic is always thought-provoking and interesting to discuss. Yet, it
could be depressing sometimes when it comes to failure. When we had a
discussion time, one of my students shared her point of view. She told me that
she had a very hard time to find out about her passion and what to do. She
nearly finishes her study. She just doesn’t know for sure what’s next. She
tried to apply a job but she failed. She doesn’t feel she’s worthy because
she’s comparing herself with others who seem more successful. Some people in her life ask
her to do things she doesn’t want to do. Really, listening to her feels like
I’m listening to myself.
What she told me reminded me
of what I shared on my blog before. I always think that it’s only me who feel
that way since I don’t find my friends under the same condition. It’s actually
not. There are so many young adults in their 20s who undergo things like that.
Who feel so much frustrated and depressed about themselves.
It actually opens my mind. Most
of us are insecure about ourselves. We don’t feel right. We feel we are less
successful compared to our friends on social media who reach something big like
getting scholarship then going abroad for studying and having fun or getting
married with someone who seems so perfect from every angle, having a cute baby
who is more popular than the parents, having a dream job that gives big salary,
security, and popularity, and so on and so on. Oh God.
I do agree with those
research that say young adults are more prone into mental illnesses. Those
very toxic thoughts trigger off those disorders. Thanks to millenial era with
its social media and our behavior in using them. Most of us are terribly
desperate for having social acceptance by showing off ourselves. And when some
people out there are more than us, we feel anxious and less loved. Damn!
You guys know that these
toxic thoughts are dangerous. You must kill them or without a doubt they will
kill you. But how in the world? If your source of anxiety is social media, just
stop wasting your time on it. Put your smartphone away and do something that
brings you happiness and make you love yourself more. //You know za, it’s easy to say but hard to do//. Yes! But it doesn’t
mean it’s impossible. Be committed! There are so many good things you can do instead
of checking your feed most of the time and comparing yourself with others. You
have your hobbies, works, or new things or places to explore. Find which you
are comfortable with. No need to look for social acceptance by posting who you
are, what good places you are visiting, what you’ve achieved. You are
absolutely fine without doing it.
Or if you still feel like you
can’t get away from your social media, just follow or look at more meaningful
accounts like accounts about hobbies, pets, or comedies. No need to follow a
lot of celebgrammes or friends who are toxic. Surround yourself with good people
who see you as who you are and they’re okay with that. Fill your head with
positive thoughts about yourself. Do something that makes you feel alive and
happy. There are so many tips to do that coming from the internet and close
friends. All you have to do is ask and be open.
Sometimes it’s needed and
totally okay to say NO to people’s requests and expectations. You must be brave
and learn to do it. Stop being people’s pleaser. You don’t have to always
follow what they ask you to do. You are the one who know yourself better. You
know when you want to do things and when you don’t or when they suit you and
when they don’t. If you keep following what they say, it will never end. Once a
request fulfilled, they ask for more. Eventually, you will be worn out and
losing yourself. Don’t let it happen. The universe has granted us freedom. Why
would we waste it for being a slave to people?
Alright, after what has
happened to me everything is getting better now. I learn plenty of life lessons
from my time of being 20s. Dream, expectation, success, and failure don’t know
time. They’ll keep lingering and clinging like a baby monkey to its mom. It’s
up to us to decide on how we’re going to face it. Will you deprive yourself or stay
cool for whatever coming to you? Hopefully, we all can choose what’s best for
us without concerning what people say about that.
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