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Showing posts from October, 2017


Malang, 27 Oktober 2017 It’s funny, time flies but still leaves its trace. Memories feel like playing the movie roll and take me back in time. Every scene is a reverie. Everything seems like a dream. Is it real? Or is it just a daydream? They come back, pieces of recollection I had. Tears and laughs overwhelm my reason as I watch. Compassion and hatred engulf my self-defence everytime I close my eyes. Can I just run away? Far and far away? Is there such a thing named future? Future of my past? I’m afraid... It’s just an idea. One day...somewhere...

Walk and Learn

Malang, 16 Oktober 2017 Have you ever felt like there is an urge within yourself that tells you to go out of your cozy bedroom and see the world out there? Even when your sense keeps telling you to stay on your dreamy bed with thought-provoking novels and calming music ready to take you on an adventurous journey? For someone who likes staying at home so much, thing like that might appear and it’s inevitable sometimes. When it comes, never deny it. Because it’s the way the universe invites you to see broader pictures of what our world has. I love my bedroom so much. It’s my sanctuary where my precious treasure lies. It’s also a place where I can express myself in writing and playing music without bothering getting too much attention from people. However, I don’t know why, I got a feeling that I want to go outside eventhough I knew that it’s so hot and crowded out there. After thinking and fighting with my inner self for quite some time, I decided to go outside and take a wa...

Reverie | Jogjaa

Malang, 11 Oktober 2017 Jogjakarta, a special city of million memories. Who would disagree with that? The vibe, view, specialties, people, attractions, and cultures have taken everyone’s heart. Yours? Haha my heart has been taken by this city since long time ago. I would never get enough of it. Why? Like the others, I have uncountable priceless memories there. All my life, I’ve been to Jogja for 5 times. The first time was when I was just 9. My parents took me there to attend my first brother’s graduation in UGM. For a little girl who never stepped out of Bali island for other city but Malang, going to Jogja was really something. It took almost a day and a night to get there by bus. But, I was so excited. I never stopped wondering how cool that city is. “Will it be like what I watch on TV and my brothers’ stories? How about Malioboro and the Mall? Is the fortress really that big and old?”. I still remembered the morning I arrived at the bus station. I saw a lot of “laron” flyi...


Malang, 08 Oktober 2017 Ada kalanya mata tak perlu melihat, senyum indah balut gelapnya niat, terangnya cahaya membutakan jiwa, bayangan diri penuh kebanggaan. Ada kalanya telinga tak perlu mendengar, nada-nada sumbang nan membosankan, lantunan puisi menggoda namun tak bermakna, gelak tawa riang penuh kehampaan. Ada kalanya kata-kata tak perlu terucap. Saat pesan tak tersampaikan, makna disalahartikan, waktu terbuang, hati tak tenang. Akan datang masa dimana, diam adalah keharusan, diam adalah kebutuhan, diam harusnya kita, si pengutuk diam, yang menganggap diri merasa, menangis dalam diam. Sssstt.. diamlah... Hutan Pinus Imogiri Jogjakarta

Reminiscence and Reflection

Malang, 03 Oktober 2017 Hai Oktober! Ketika kamu datang itu artinya tahun 2017 akan segera berakhir. Time flies! Enggak ngerti deh harus merasa senang atau sedih. Senang karena sudah banyak hal-hal menyenangkan dan memberi banyak pelajaran berharga terjadi sepanjang 9 bulan ini. Sedih karena umur semakin berkurang, dosa makin banyak aja, dan beberapa target belum tercapai. Enggak pa pa masih ada 2 bulan lagi untuk memperbaiki diri dan mencapai apa yang diingini sebelum 2017 pergi. Bismillah. Tiba-tiba aja ada perasaan pengen buka kotak kaleng Good Time yang aku simpen sejak lama di atas rak buku. Gak ada yang spesial tentang kotak itu sih karena dapetnya aja dikasih sama tetangga. Tapi isinya ini yang bikin kadang aku merasa melow dan melankolis banget. Ada beberapa note books, kartu pos, medali, dan benda-benda kecil kenang-kenangan dari temen-temen. The note books are so reminiscent for me. Baca-baca tulisan tanganku mengenai apa yang pernah terjadi dulu rasanya seperti ber...