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My First Halloween Party!

Malang, 02 November 2014

Goodbye nice October! Welcome wishful November! And hello everyone! How was your October? Was it fun? Did you celebrate Halloween on October 31st? Yes? Me too!

I’ve never had a Halloween Party in my life. And I’ve never had a reason to celebrate it since it isn’t part of my culture in Indonesia. But, this year everything is different. For the first time in my life, I celebrated Halloween Party with my friends from LBPP LIA Malang on Friday, October 31st. Yup! Scary Cinema Carnival is our theme for this 5th Halloween Party.

Since Halloween is related to scary things such as ghost and monsters, as the committee of Halloween party and LIA’s teacher I had to wear scary costume and make up. And our theme was movie characters costume. I had some ideas about my costume. First, I want to look like a witch wearing black cloak and witch’s hat. But at the end, I changed my mind. I appeared as Japanese Reaper, Shinigami. You know what? I wore my Kendo outfit and it worked! Haha. If it isn’t because of Halloween party, I will never wear make up again! That was the first time I wore such a horrible make up! I had to apply white body painting to my face and I had to make my eyes and mouth black. You wonder how I looked? This is me!

Yeah, I couldn’t even believe that it was me wearing such a costume and make up! For once a year, why not?

I didn’t really enjoy the party since I had to become Haunted House ticket seller. It was a very tiring job. I had to shout! And I had to explain how-to-buy-the-ticket all over again. But, my spot was a good place to observe everything. I saw so many people wore unique costumes and make up. There were witch, pocong, fairy, vampire, sadako, black widow, and zombie. My IN 1 students appeared as Zombies! Good Job guys! I wished I could took some photos with you..

My favorite part in this Halloween Party were Flash Mob and Haunted House. I liked my flash mob with other committees. We danced and moved to attract the visitors before they started the event. I enjoyed it very much. It was fun!

I also liked the Haunted House made by Himaprodi Sastra Jepang Universitas Brawijaya. That was the first time I entered the Obake Yashiki. I often find Haunted House at Isshoni Tanoshimimashou event. But, I’ve never tried it. And lucky me! This year I enjoyed the Haunted House for free!

I entered it with other LIA’s staffs. It should be 5 persons at the same time. But, there were 10 persons of us. When I entered the Haunted House, the incense smell was very strong. There was also Lingsir Wengi song that made the atmosphere was scary. When we entered the house, there was a handsome but horrible Romeo waiting for us. He told us the mission that we had to accomplish. We had to find JULIETTE letters which were hidden in the house. Well, I was confidence that we would find them since we had lots of persons. But, the fact we couldn’t accomplish the mission. We were too surprised by the ghosts that scared us. My friend and I even screamed loudly when the ghosts just came out of nowhere. They shouted and said oneechan oneechan over and over again. They even touched us! That made my friend and I was too scared to find the letters. Mission failed! But we had so much fun! We gave applauses to the Himaprodi Sastra Jepang! They did very well! Obake Yashiki saikooo!!!

Well, that is my story about my first Halloween Party in my work place LBPP LIA Malang! It was so fun! I can’t wait for next Halloween Party next year! Will it be more fun and exciting than this year? 


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