We have to admit that we always need
paper in our daily life. Whether we use it for writing or wrapping something,
paper can not be parted from human activity. The production of paper increases
year by year due to this need. Based on Indonesian Pulp and Paper Association,
in 2011 the number of paper consumption in Indonesia was 7,8 tons. However,
world paper need currently was about 394
million tons. The
growth of paper need in developed countries
will increase about 0,5% per year. So, it is assumed that in developed
countries, consumption of paper will be 394 million tons in 2020 (Liana, 2012).
We have known how much the consumption of paper in the world is, but do we know how much is waste
paper that produces
every day due to our need? According to Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan
Teknologi, waste paper percentage in Indonesia is 10,18% (BPPT, 1994).
Source : http://www.ilmusipil.com/komposisi-dan-karakteristik-sampah |
It is the highest percentage than
others inorganic garbage. To overcoming the mass of waste paper, Indonesian citizens have their own way that is
combusting waste paper. Unfortunately, that could bring really bad danger to
environment and living creatures. Prof. Dr. Ir. Soemarno MS. in his paper entitled Sampah Jangan
Dibakar Banyak Mudharatnya, said that
the product that is produced from combustion process of garbage is carbon
monoxide. One ton garbage can produce 30 kg carbon monoxide. Someone could be
killed when he/she inhales it
because the process of transporting oxygen to all part of human body by
haemoglobin is disturbed (Soemarno, 2011).
Indonesian government has been doing some innovations
to overcome waste paper problem. Factories for recycling waste papers and producing
some products from it have been
built in some cities in Indonesia. But it is also not really an eco friendly innovation. Recycling waste paper into new
product of paper needs chemical substances that could bring danger to living
creature and environment. It also needs amount of water and electricity in the
process of recycling. The waste from recycling process is also dangerous since
some companies still throw out the waste in river and irrigation ditch. New innovation that less bring any danger is
what we need right now. We need a simple and safe innovation but has great effect to our
environment. Actually, there is one simple and
beneficial action which everyone can do it. Recycling
waste paper into an eco friendly postcard is the new innovation for overcoming waste paper and
campaigning green living actions.
Anyone know what is it?
It is an image of a
postcard from Indonesia. Postcard is a card often with a photograph or picture
in one side which can be sent without an envelope
(Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2008). However, eco friendly postcard is
a handmade postcard which is made from waste paper. Eco friendly postcard’s
function is as a media for campaigning environment preservation and green
living actions. In the process of making this recycled product, we just need
simple waste papers such as cardboard from shoes box or milk box, newspaper, magazines, and anykind of waste papers that
still could be used. We also need some simple tools like scissor, glue, crayon,
and pencil colour.
First step to make an eco friendly postcard is we make a rectangle with measurement 120 X
235 mm maximum and 90 X 140 mm minimum. Do not forget to make a space for
address at the bottom of right corner and space for stamp at the upper of right
corner at the other side of postcard (filateli.wasantara.net.id, 2001).
we can create any kind of picture or other creation on our postcard. But since
this postcard function is for campaigning environment preservation and green
living actions, we should put our message on our postcard for example “Let’s do green living actions for better
future” or “Let’s
recycle our waste paper into an eco friendly postcard”.
The message is up to the maker as long as it is for campaigning. The maker not
only can write a message, but also experience or facts related to the problems
of environments. After it is finished, we can
stick a stamp then send the postcard to our friends,
relatives, teachers, or people that we want. Hopefully, by receiving our eco
friendly postcard they are interested to do green living actions like making
and sending eco friendly postcard.
Eco friendly postcard was made from
“garbage” but do you know how worthy this product is? There are so many
benefits of eco friendly postcard especially benefits for our environment.
First benefit is, it
can help reducing numbers of waste paper. Since eco friendly postcard is made
from waste paper, more or less it can reduce amount of waste paper that can be
found in our own home or office. It is better if we recycle the waste paper
into this product than combusting it into ashes and dangerous carbon monoxide.
The making process that is eco friendly
and safety becomes the second benefit. Making
an eco friendly postcard does not need any chemical substances that can bring
any danger to environment and living creatures. So, there is no worry to make
it. The tools and waste papers are safety so they will less bring any damage to
Third, eco friendly postcard can be a significant media for campaigning
green living actions. As I explained before, eco friendly postcard has a
special message on it. That message is special for persuading the receiver to
do green living actions. Our expectation is the receiver is inspired to do
something that can save our earth.
Rekindling swapping postcard habit is also
one of the benefits from eco friendly postcard. As we know, since e-mail and
social media invaded, communication via postcard lost its popularity. Post
office got the damage from this phenomenon. Since 1999 post office in Indonesia
lost its profit due to the popularity of e-mail. By sending eco friendly
postcard to others we can invite them to send postcard and make it popular
again. Somehow, by doing this action we can support the existence of postcard and post office.
![]() |
Source :http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/2013/01/12/4702854_20130112071832.jpg |
Who wants to send a postcard when it is
easier and faster using an e-mail? Truthfully, numbers of postcard user is
lesser than e-mail users lately. This condition became worst since the
existence of social media and messenger. Popularity of postcards was drowned as
the technology of communication invaded. But still, there are people who send
and swap postcard until now. Good news is those people are young generations.
Special websites for swapping postcard like postcrossing.com and cardtopost.com
exist in cyber world. These websites help the people who want to send a
postcard by availing addresses of people from various countries. If we do not
have people to receive our eco friendly postcard, we can get address from those
websites then send it to them. By doing this, hopefully the receiver would do
some green living actions after they read our message.
We really need earth. But somehow we
forget how to thank to our earth for its treasures. Environmental problems such
as pollution, global warming, deforestation, abrasion, erosion, and other
problems damaged our home so badly. It does not happen due to natural phenomenon.
We as human being who live in this earth are the source of those problems. We
do everything to fulfil our need without paying just little caring to our
earth. Without our notice, our home hurt so badly. Do we just stand and watch
what happen to our earth since we know all of the problems? No! We need actions
to save our home! No matter how small and simple that action is, if it can save
our home why don’t we just try? Eco friendly postcard is a very simple thing
but has very great benefits if we do it together. We can save our earth through
this simple product of waste paper. Everyone can do it regardless of age, jobs,
social status, and academic grade. By sending this handmade postcard, we can
save our earth and let others realize this simple thing can give a great change
to our home.
Which one do you want to choose?
Recycling waste paper into eco friendly postcard,
sending it to others and let them do similar action? Or combusting your waste
paper then let others die because of its carbon monoxide? Think the best for
our home and our fellows!
Anonymous, (2001). Standarisasi Kartu Pos. Retrieved
February 20, 2013, from http://filateli.wasantara.net.id/NewTemp/KartuPosStand.htm
Rekohadi, Dyan. (2012). Konsumsi Kertas Nasional Naik. Retrieved
February 12, 2013, from http://surabaya.tribunnews.com/2012/06/21/konsumsi-kertas-nasional- naik#sthash.7chMBR6O.dpbs
Saputra, Surya Mahendra. (2012). Industri Pulp dan Kertas Naikkan Volume Produksi. Retrieved February 12, 2013, from http://apki.net/?p=864
Soemarno. (2011). Sampah Jangan Dibakar Banyak Mudharatnya. Retrieved
January 31, 2013 from http://soemarno.lecture.ub.ac.id
Nizar, Chairil. (2013). Komposisi dan Karakteristik Sampah.
Retrieved February 20,2013, from
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