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The Gift of The Magi (Izza's Version)

Malang, 22 Oktober 2011

Tomorrow is Christmas. I knew that I must be happy to face with this special day. Every year I and my husband Jim were always gathering at our little house to face with this holy night. We were giving our present each other and feeling happy to face the Christmas. But, I was not sure that this Christmas we would be happy. We were really poor. Every week, my Jim should receive $30 from his works. But, his income has shrunk to $20. I had been saving every penny that I could save every month. Yes, $1.87 and 60 cents was all the money that I saved from before. It was still not enough. I did not have enough money to buy just a one present for Jim. I just had $1.87 and 60 cents. I was sure there was nothing that I could buy with all of money that I had. Every time I thought about Christmas and present for Jim, I used to cry. I did not know what I should do. I really confused. I was giving up of everything. How could I face the Christmas and my lovely Jim without a precious present? My heart just broke like a glass which fell from the high place. I did not know what to do anymore.

I walked to the street. I saw every shop that looked so pretty with kinds of colourful lamps and accessories of Christmas. My vision was attracting when I saw a kind of beautiful pier-glass that placed in the glass box in one shop. It looked so beautiful and matched with Jim. I looked it with glowing in my eyes. Yes, this watch was the right present for Jim. I was sure if I give him this watch he will be so happy. I was really sure about that. But, Did I have to give up? Did I need to forget about this watch as the present for Jim? Did I? I thought I had to think all many times to buy that one. Its price was too expensive for a poor woman like me. Oh My God, what should I do? Finally, I found the right present for Jim. But, it was kind of thing that I could not get so easily. 

Walking, walking and walking that was the thing that I could do at the moment. I felt so depressed and sad. I pulled down my hair and let it swayed by wind. My long hair was one of my precious thing like Jim’s golden watch. I was walking with my hair that was shining and rippling. While walking, I teared. Yes, one and two tears fell from my eyes. Nervously, I tied my hair and wore my hat. I walked again and stopped at a sign. There was something that is written at there: “Mme, Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds”. I ran and looked for Sofronie. Finally I found it. I met with a Madam and asked her. I asked her about buying my hair. She said that he would buy my hair after looked it. She asked me to enter her salon. I showed her my hair and she said $20 for it. Then, I sold my precious thing for $20. I didn’t regret it because I got some money from it. Without wasting much time, I went to the store that sell the present for Jim. I found it still at there. I still could see the pier-glass. Actually, I still needed 87 cents to buy it. I hurried home and taked 87 cents. Happily, I bought it. Finally, I got my precious Christmas present for Jim .

I went back to my house with very happy feeling. When I reached home, I got my curling iron. I made my short hair curly with it. I had just waited for forty minutes to make my hair looks like truant schoolboy. I was worried about my new appearance especially my new haircut. I did not know what kind of respond that he would show me when he saw me with my new appearance. I used to ask myself all the time about what I should do when Jim knew about my new haircut. 

At 7 o’clock I prepared the coffee, chops and the frying pan. I sat near the door that Jim always entered. Jim was never late. I heard the steps voice of Jim. Actually, I was not ready to meet him. I prayed to the God and hoped that he will still think me pretty. Jim opened the door and stepped to the house. He looked at me. Yes, he really stared at me. I saw he looked at me without any expression. Plain and without any expression anymore. I scared and terrified. I cried at the moment and begged to him for not looking at me like that. I explained my condition to him and said that my hair will grow fast. I said “Merry Christmas” to him and give him my Christmas present. Suddenly, he asked me about my hair. I explained all the thing that happened to my hair. I said that my love for him could not be counted by anybody. Then, Jim woke. He drew a little package from his pocket. He put it on table and said that that package was for me. I opened it carefully. I really surprised when I saw a beautiful comb that I saw on o shop in Broadway. It was really beautiful and expensive comb. It was mine. But, my precious hair was gone. I was sure my hair will grow fast. I showed him my present that I prepared for him. I really wanted to see Jim wore it with his golden watch. But, where was that watch? I could not find it on Jim’s hand. I felt shocked for a while.Then, Jim explained to me that he sold his precious watch to buy the comb. He also said that we needed to enjoy the Christmas Eve and got rid the presents for a while. Without confusing by presents, I and Jim were together enjoying the Christmas Eve.

By : Izzatur Rahmaniyah


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