Negara, 11 Juli 2011
This is the worst journey to back home that I ever had!!!!! Oh My God..... I hope that will be my first and my last worst journey in my life. Why do I call it my worst journey? There were so much sucking things that I got from the departure until the arriving. Those sucking things start from the Bus Z, this is the worst bus that I ever had. The facilities of the bus are bad than before. Usually, in every seat there are a pillow and a blanket that avail for the passenger. But, at that occasion there were no pillow and blanket for all passengger. It was getting worse when the bus is on the way. There were so much shaking which make my stomach wanted to vomit. The AC also made trouble for me, the AC was too cold. It made the temperature in the Bus very cold. One thing that I hate from the Bus was the toilet. The smell of the toilet was very very troublesome. There were so much kind of smell that mix each other and made a kind of trouble smell that very annoying. Iyackkzzz....can you imagine the condition in the Bus?
The WORST things that I had in this journey were still continuing. In the middle of the way to go to Bali, the Bus was suddenly stopped twice. First, it happened at Telkom office Situbondo. The officials of the bus, spent so much time to fix the Bus machine which was getting trouble. They spent about 2 hours to fix the machine until it could work. Oh was so wasted my time..... Second, it happened at I didn’t know where. They also spent so much time to go again. Huffhhtt..... You know It was so sucking experiences.
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Nama Bus beserta Nama perusahaannya tidak Izza tampilkan, mengingat kasus Prita #lho? |
Yang paling aku heran adalah saat Bus mogok untuk yang kedua kalinya, aku mengalami kejadian aneh. Saat aku tidur di dalam bus, entah kenapa aku “ketindihan”. Itu terjadi tidak hanya sekali tetapi berkali-kali. Aku merasa tubuhku benar-benar tidak bisa bergerak dan mataku tidak bisa terbuka. Yang bisa bergerak hanya rahang bawahku yang berusaha berteriak namun tak bisa. Aku sempat melihat sosok aneh saat mataku sedikit terbuka. Sosok itu berada si samping kiriku, wujudnya kecil dan tingginya setinggi lututku kira-kira. Aku berusaha untuk memanggil ibuku yang berada di samping kananku. Tetapi, sangat sulit rasanya untuk berbicara, menggerakkan tubuh dan kedua tanganku. Sampai pada akhirnya, aku benar-benar bisa bergerak atas usaha kerasku. Aku tidak jadi cerita ke Ibuku karena Ibu sedang tertidur lelap, sedangkan letak tempat duduk Bapakku jauh jadi aku tidak bisa bercerita pada Bapak. Akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk melanjutkan tidurku, namun di setiap tidurku yang berikutnya “ketindihan” itu pun berlanjut pula. Aku hampir menyerah untuk tidur dan terus melek sampai bus berjalan kembali. Setelah Bus selesai diperbaiki dan melanjutkan perjalanan akhirnya aku bisa tidur dengan normal.
Okay....I hope I won’t get the same bad or worst experiences like I had before. Aku benar-benar KAPOK!!!
wah kok apes bener za. tp gpp ambil sisi positipnya yah
ReplyDeleteeeh ya bus apa ya kira2, apakah inisialnya MI, atau GH? :D
waduh mas..... KAPOK bener aku.... biasanya busnya tuh enak, tapi tumben kemarin dapet bus yang kayak gitu....
ReplyDeleteNama busnya BUS "Ze.." (sensor karena takut kayak Prita)