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Showing posts from May, 2017

Find Me

Malang, 31 Mei 2017 Where should I find You? In your heart. I’ve been questioning myself lately... What am I looking for in this world? What do I want to pursue in my life? What am I to be? Where should I look for the answers? And then You come... with Your unheard, unseen, and untouched, countless signs... I feel it. You are there, looking after me, protecting me. giving the best for me, in silence... within my heart. I’ve been wondering meaninglessly, Just for trying to find the answers. Now, I know... It’s nowhere to be found, but deep inside my heart. Bromo

Why You Should Watch "13 Reasons Why"

Malang, 07 Mei 2017 When you are in so much pain, and no one is there to lift you up, you might think to end your life. Masih inget apa yang aku tulis di Stop Saying Just Kidding post? Tentang bagaimana kelakar lucu bisa berakhir sebagai bencana kemanusiaan? Tulisan kali ini masih berkaitan dengan semua unek-unek yang sudah aku ceritakan di sana. Bagiku bercanda yang terlewat batas sudah dapat dikategorikan sebagai bullying. And for me personally, it’s the worst thing ever! Source : Google Salah satu temanku membaca apa yang aku ceritakan di blog. Dan dia merekomendasikan sebuah TV series berjudul 13 Reasons Why . I’m not really a movie or TV series person. Tetapi setelah dengar review darinya dan lihat trailer di Youtube aku jadi tertarik untuk menontonnya. Sepanjang menonton 13 episode series tersebut, rasanya semua jadi gak karuan. Kadang nangis sendiri. Seringnya aku berhenti menonton di tengah-tengah film karena takut dengan kelanjutan ceritanya. Parahnya...