Malang, 27 Oktober 2014 Hello everyone! It has been a while since my last post. Well, since I have a very busy schedule and stressful time, I can’t even spare my free time to write something. But deep in my heart, I really want to write something interesting and share it with you guys. That’s why, here I am! Finally, I can write again! In this post, I’m not going to share my poem or short story like usual. Special for this post, I’m going to share my first experience visiting a beach in Malang. Well, for your information, eventhough I’ve been living in Malang for nearly 4 years, I’ve never been to a beach in Malang even just for once. There are thousand reasons behind this unfortunate news and I don’t want to talk about that anymore. Well, on last Saturday, October 25, my brother and his family invited me to go to Ngliyep beach. Where is it? Well, I don’t know exactly where it is. I only know that it is located in South Malang. I went to Ngliyep in the morning. To reach th...
my thoughts and feelings that I want to share are all here in this box