I’m not married yet. I don’t even know when I will. Since I’m not married of course I’ve never given a birth to a precious gift called children. So here I am living my life as a free-spirited woman looking for what’s more to life. Nevertheless I know how it feels to be a parent. Well my job allows me to have this role for a while. Tiring? Exhausting to be precise. Stressful? Couldn’t agree more especially when they’re fighting, nagging, and crying. Fun? What’s more fun than seeing their smiles, laughs, and their sparkling eyes when they play, share their stories, or learn with you. They are everything everyone could wish for. However I couldn’t stop wondering. Why are you having a child if you can’t keep him safe? Why are you letting your dearest 2-year old son drink that bloody liquor you enjoy with your friends in the middle of the night? Why are you making him drunk when you can always read him goodnight stories, invite him to have an adventure to a neverland, sing a lullaby,...
my thoughts and feelings that I want to share are all here in this box