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Showing posts from February, 2020

Why are you having a child?

I’m not married yet. I don’t even know when I will. Since I’m not married of course I’ve never given a birth to a precious gift called children. So here I am living my life as a free-spirited woman looking for what’s more to life. Nevertheless I know how it feels to be a parent. Well my job allows me to have this role for a while. Tiring? Exhausting to be precise. Stressful? Couldn’t agree more especially when they’re fighting, nagging, and crying. Fun? What’s more fun than seeing their smiles, laughs, and their sparkling eyes when they play, share their stories, or learn with you. They are everything everyone could wish for. However I couldn’t stop wondering. Why are you having a child if you can’t keep him safe? Why are you letting your dearest 2-year old son drink that bloody liquor you enjoy with your friends in the middle of the night? Why are you making him drunk when you can always read him goodnight stories, invite him to have an adventure to a neverland, sing a lullaby,...

What is more to life?

There is one big question I have that I can’t stop looking for the answer until now. “What is more to life?” I think I’m not the only one who keeps asking this because I saw some videos on youtube and listened to some podcasts talking about the same question. I thought by consuming them I would at least get some ideas what the answer is. It turned out I can’t really relate myself to their answers or opinions. I think the answer to this question is very personal and subjective. I kind of know the general idea what the answer is but I just haven’t found what really clicks to me. So here I am in search for it. Other than life cycle most people on earth follow, what is there in life? Some people said, “You should travel to find the answer!” I did. But travelling for me here is not associated with vacation or travelling to touristy places. When you travel to some famous crowded attractions and all you see is people having fun, I don’t think you learn something meaningful. I like to sp...

Hi 2020! | Life Updates

We’ve come to February 2020! Can I say “time flies” ? So how is life everyone? Please don’t say 2020 isn’t being nice to you. There must be something that let you grow to be a better version of you. 2020 is still on going too so why don’t we just enjoy the ride? It’s easier said than done, am I right? But nothing wrong comes from being positive. Let’s just do our best. Ok? How should I describe my 2020? I can say that January 2020 was an empty month for Mind BoX. I didn’t post anything about my January here because back then I was pretty much occupied with #30haribercerita challenge on Instagram. So yeah, eventhough I posted nothing here I posted 30 posts on my IG account for the whole month. It was a nice experience. I enjoyed it for real. But I won’t upload a post each day ever again. It’s just too overwhelming. I want to go back to my sanctuary, Mind BoX. Hopefully, I can post 1 new writing each week. Please be consistent za! January 2020 was also a turning point for me. I...